Looking Longer

People walk so quickly by,

eyes down, phones in hand,

always in a hurry, why?

April, May, June, July ……. 4 months pass in the blink of an eye.

Will they look up when all is gone ?

When cliffs have crumbled, footpaths tumbled, down into a rising sea.

I stand and gaze at racing clouds and listen to the wind,

See reflections in a rain soaked lane and hedgerows filled with flowers

The people walking quickly by will never see a changing cloud,

a falling leaf, a butterfly.

But if they pause and raise their heads,

By looking longer they may see the wonders in the sky.

Lin Adams ( July 2023)

As an artist I am always looking at colour, changing seasons and landscapes.Nature is my inspiration.

I only wish more people could take time out to “smell the roses” and look at everything around them.   Walking in some gardens in Somerset recently I noticed the following wise words written a few hundred years ago by a botanist….

“Wonder at everything even the most everyday things”
Wise words indeed.

Blue lake at Steeple Langford.   (Wiltshire Wildlife Trust)

6th August 2023