Our Dorset Pathways

There are many ways to reach the sea from Shaftesbury, this is one of our favourites:

“Leaving Shaftesbury we head down to the Blackmore Vale and then up – climbing the Wessex Heights to Bulbarrow Hill. Across to Bere Regis and onwards to Wareham Forest. The Heath and Purbeck hills are now in view and beyond is the sea at Studland.”

There are so many pathways and each one has its own identity.

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

In every walk with nature one receives
far more than he seeks.

John Muir

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

Nature is painting for us, day after day,
pictures of infinite beauty…

John Ruskin

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

The July sun shone over Egdon and fired its
crimson heather to scarlet.

Thomas Hardy

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

Roaring high and roaring low was the sea
behind the headland shore.

Thomas Hardy

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art

Lin Adams Artist - Painting - Dorset

© Lin Adams Art


Art Garden Studio, 31 Bell Street, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8AR