Each season is unique and special. Painting with emotion and feelings that the changing seasons give us is something we can be grateful for.
To feel the leaves come tumbling down and see them tossed in the autumn winds is a brief moment in time. It’s mid November and memories of heat waves and scorched grass in summer have almost faded. Showers followed by long periods of heavy rain and mild weather have given the gardens a new lease of life. Almost spring like.
This cannot last, inevitably everything must rest and pause and wait for winter to come.
“Don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It’s quiet, but the roots are down there riotous”. (Rumi)
In the woodland bright red holly berries appear and Redwing from Scandinavia arrive in flocks to feast on them.The sun sinks lower in the sky every day and the nights grow longer. Sunsets are brief, rare but beautiful.We light our candles and begin to add sparkle to shop windows. We crave light.
The winter solstice followed by Christmas is celebrated. A turning point. Without noticing, the days grow longer, and slowly but surely light returns. Snow drops followed by daffodils. Bird song and nest building. Spring!
To quote Dorothy Wordsworth “ it is a pleasure to a real lover of nature to give winter all the glory he can, for summer will make its own way, and speak its own praise”